'VMWare vCenter Server detected XXXXMB of memory. XXXMB of memory is required for the selected deployment type' while installing vCenter Server 6.0 on windows
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'VMWare vCenter Server detected XXXXMB of memory. XXXMB of memory is required for the selected deployment type' while installing vCenter Server 6.0 on windows


Article ID: 303159


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


You experience these symptoms when attempting to install or upgrade vCenter Server 6.0 for Windows:
  • Installation of VMware vCenter Server 6.0 on windows is interrupted with message: 8176MB of memory is required for the selected deployment type
  • The vCenter Server installer interrupts installation with the message:
    VMWare vCenter Server detected XXXXMB of memory. 8176MB of memory is required for the selected deployment type
VMWare vCenter Server detected XXXXMB of memory
  • Reviewing the Microsoft Windows Server Host Operating System (OS) for the vCenter Server through Control Panel > System and Security > System, you observe that 8 GB of memory is installed. However, Microsoft Windows Server may show less RAM than what is installed


This issue is due to the way Microsoft Windows Server Host OS calculates usable memory. This is calculated by taking the total physical memory allocated minus hardware reserved memory.
For more information about vCenter Server 6.0 for Windows requirements, see the vCenter Server for Windows Hardware Requirements and Storage Requirements section in the vSphere Installation and Setup guide.


To resolve this issue, determine the hardware device(s) on the Microsoft Windows Server Host OS reserving the memory. Other hardware devices attached to the system that reserve memory will result in lowering the total allocated memory to the Microsoft Windows Server host operating system.
For guidance on determining where memory is being allocated within the Microsoft Windows Server host operating system, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 978610.

Note: The preceding link was correct as of August 01, 2019. If you find the link is broken, provide feedback and a VMware employee will update the link.
Though the Knowledge Base article is specific for Microsoft Windows 7, this is applicable to the Windows Server.
If this does not resolve your issue, engage your hardware or operating system vendor.

Additional Information

Windows での VMware vCenter Server 6.0 のインストールが「選択したデプロイ タイプには 8176 MB のメモリが必要です」というメッセージで中断される