Capturing new teams as a package in App Volumes 4.x
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Capturing new teams as a package in App Volumes 4.x


Article ID: 321547


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The new Teams uses MSIX packages therefore it is not possible to capture in app volumes using the standard procedure of capturing a package. Using the app volumes tools, the new teams can be captured as a package in App Volumes.


VMware App Volumes 4.x



Open Disk Management in the capture VM and follow the below steps to create a .vhd disk:

  1. Click on Action and select 'Create VHD'.
  2. In the location path, give the path to store the .vhd disk on the capture VM.
  3. Confirm the settings as per the screenshot below:
  4. Right click on the new disk and initialize it.
  5. Create a new simple volume and assign a drive letter. (Follow the default options)
Run the below command using admin CMD:
msixmgr.exe -Unpack -packagePath "<path of MSTeams-x64.msix>" -destination "<DriveLetter>\apps" -applyacls
Dir <DriveLetter>\apps
Copy the folder name as shown below and paste it in a notepad for later use:


Run the DISKPART on the elevated Command prompt and set the attribute of the VHD disk to NODEFAULTDRIVELETTER:
  • Diskpart
  • List Volume
  • select volume <volume number of the vhd volume>
  • Attributes volume set NODEFAULTDRIVELETTER
  • Exit
Once the DISKPART task is complete, restart the capture VM.
After rebooting the VM, open the elevated Command Prompt and change directory to C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\AppCapture
Run the below command:
appcapture.exe /addmeta "c:\CaptureVHD\Team_2.0.vhd" /msix apps\MSTeams_24004.1309.2689.2246_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe

Note: There is a space in the above command after /msix
A successful output will be seen as below:

Once, the .vhd is ready, convert the .vhd file to a .vmdk format using the below command:
Appcapture.exe /msixvmdk "c:\Capture\Team_2.0.vhd"
The .vmdk file should be created in the capture folder:
Untitled picture.png
Copy the Teams_2.0.json and Teams_2.0.vmdk files to the app volume server under the location:
Note: If the packages folder doesn't exists then create it.

Rename the Teams_2.0.vmdk to Team_2.0_workstation.vmdk
Login to the app volume manager and upload the Teams_2.0 package to the vCenter's datastore:
Go to Configuration -> Storage -> Upload Templates
There should be a new filename called "Teams_2.0_workstation.vmdk"
Untitled picture.png

Select the "Teams_2.0_workstation.vmdk" and upload it to the datastore.
The Teams 2.0 package should appear in the datastore as shown below:
Untitled picture.png

Import the "Teams_2.0" package in the app volumes manager if it doesn't appear.