VMware Cloud Console web service certificate change is not trusted by VMware Aria Automation SaaS extensibility proxies
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VMware Cloud Console web service certificate change is not trusted by VMware Aria Automation SaaS extensibility proxies


Article ID: 325815


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • You are using VMware Aria Automation SaaS (formerly vRealize Automation Cloud) with a Cloud Extensibility appliance with embedded Aria Automation Orchestrator (formerly vRealize Orchestrator) services.
  • Extensibility workflows or actions fail to run or complete.
  • You cannot access the UI and receive a 404 Not Found error message when attempting to access https://cexpFQDN/vco


  • CSP (https://console.cloud.vmware.com/) has a new certificate that is not trusted.
  • The error seen in the logs is
    I/O error on GET request for "https://console.cloud.vmware.com/csp/gateway/am/api/auth/token-public-key": Certificate is not in CA store.


VMware is aware of this issue. See the workaround section for additional details.



  • You have access to root user and password
  • You have SSH or console access to the virtual appliance.


  1. Login to Control Center and navigate to the Certificates page.
  2. Click on Import button and select Import from URL
  3. Add as URL
Note: If the Import from URL function does not work, please navigate your client browser to https://console.cloud.vmware.com/ and extract the certificate using the padlock icon near the Address, exporting the certificate as Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER).  Import the extracted certificate file into the Certificates page.
  1. Restart the Orchestrator app by connecting through SSH to the Cloud Extensibility Proxy virtual machine and restart the pod using the following commands
    kubectl -n prelude scale deployment vco-app --replicas=0 
    kubectl -n prelude scale deployment vco-app --replicas=1
  2. Monitor the pod status using the command below until 3/3 containers are deployed for vco-app pod
    kubectl get pods -n prelude -w
  3. Verify you can login into the UI.

Known Issues

  • If 403 errors are encountered and you are unable to access vRO, after running the above instructions, run the following to redeploy services /opt/scripts/deploy.sh.
  • Workflows do not appear in Content Sources.
    • To workaround the issue - create a new empty workflow or change description of an existing workflow and start data collection.

Additional Information

These extensibility appliances with integration with Aria Automation Cloud are broken and all requests to Aria Automation Orchestrator will fail.