Announcing the new Proactive Customer Advisory system
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Announcing the new Proactive Customer Advisory system


Article ID: 327238


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


VMware is excited to announce Proactive Customer Advisory (PCA) -  a new system for delivering timely alerts regarding critical, production-impacting issues affecting customers' ability to use VMware products. PCA leverages the existing VMware Knowledge Base platform to deliver push notifications to those subscribed to Proactive Advisory articles. Through integration with the Customer Connect portal, we are also able to alert users through notifications within the portal, and via email. PCA encompasses all supported VMware products and is designed to be a means of rapidly disseminating information for sensitive subjects such as:

  • VMware Security Advisories (VMSA)
  • Critical technical issues with widespread impact, that lead to production downtime
  • Critical issues than can lead to data loss or data corruption


VMware vSphere 7.0.x


How does it work?

PCA is built into the existing Knowledge Base, as a new category type - Proactive Advisory. Customers, Partners, and VMware employees may opt in to all or product specific advisories. Users can choose to get alerts in unique email or digest format. Advisories will be additionally displayed as alerts in the Customer Connect portal. 

How do I sign up?

1. Login to the Knowledge Base with a Customer Connect portal valid user account (customers must have a valid and active support entitlement)

2. Go to My Subscriptions

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3. Find Product and KB Categories then click the "+" icon to the right

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4. In the new window pick a Product or All Products

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5. Select KB Category Proactive Advisory. You can select additional products if needed.

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You can review and update your active subscriptions in the My Subscriptions page at any time. For more information please review  

How will I be notified of new Proactive Customer Advisories?

When a new Proactive Advisory is published, a notification is displayed in the top right section of the Customer Connect portal:


Additional details are shown in the Notifications section of the Customer Connect portal:


In addition to this, an email is sent to subscribed users, including a brief description of the issue and a direct link to the PCA article:



VMware Skyline Advisor Pro is VMware’s proactive issue avoidance solution. All KBs and VMSA noted in Proactive Customer Advisories, if possible, will be added into Skyline Advisor Pro. To review all active VMware Skyline Findings please go to the VMware Skyline Findings Catalog.

If you would like to learn more about VMware Skyline Advisor Pro, please go to