[VMC] Cloud vCenter Firewall Security Best Practices
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[VMC] Cloud vCenter Firewall Security Best Practices


Article ID: 334972


Updated On:


VMware Cloud on AWS VMware Cloud on Dell EMC


To detail common best practices for securing a VMware Cloud vCenter.

Customer received a Notification Gateway (NGW) Message stating they have a potentially insecure configuration live on their SDDC.


Customers will have received these NGW messages if they have configured an Any Source to vCenter Destination MGW firewall rule.
Having an Any source inbound firewall rule pointing to the Cloud vCenter goes against security best practices, exposing the Cloud vCenter to risk.
The correct course of action is to modify the offending firewall rule and update its source group to reference any Management Group which would require vCenter access.
Example Poor Rule (Any Source can access Cloud vCenter)
Example Updated Rule (Only a specific Desktop IP can access Cloud vCenter)

Additional Information

Changing firewall Rules in a live production environment can always have unexpected consequences. Before publishing any firewall rule updates, double-check all rules changes to ensure VMC vCenter access will not be lost.