Cannot show quota information with "Error: Unable to retrieve limits information." after upgrading VIO from 5.x to 7.0
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Cannot show quota information with "Error: Unable to retrieve limits information." after upgrading VIO from 5.x to 7.0


Article ID: 321794


Updated On:


VMware VMware Integrated OpenStack


  • In opening Horizon GUI, quota information in top view for a project cannot be displayed with "Error: Unable to retrieve limits information."
  • In running "openstack quota list --project PROJECT --network --detail", you get an error "Request Failed: internal server error while processing your request."
  • In neutron.log, you can see entries similar to:
Feb 15 03:08:39 controller-kj8vbrkq7f neutron-server[796]: 2021-02-15 03:08:39.302 172 ERROR neutron.api.v2.resource [req-2e666fdd-3240-4e6d-af20-c694cd4dc79f f4cff130a62fd68ce84b86f82a19c8586bdd5185cfd18ec8999fa7c0a90615a8 5e7a84baa49a408e8057a965656a79bc - 86dfc6f45b2b4e3ba6d22c5079067f8e 86dfc6f45b2b4e3ba6d22c5079067f8e] details failed: No details.: KeyError: 'firewall'


VMware Integrated Openstack 7.x


This issue is caused by remaining entries for FWaaSv1 on neutron.quotas table. In addition to 'firewall', the following records might be also problematic: member, pool, loadbalancer, listener and healthmonitor.


This is a known issue in upgrading VIO.

This issue can be fixed by deleting unnecessary entries from neutron.quotas table.
For example, the following steps are needed in the above case:
  1. Login to mariadb: osctl exec -it mariadb-server-0 -- mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/admin_user.cnf
  2. Use neutron table in mariadb: use neutron;
  3. Check the current table: select * from quotas;
  4. Delete entries: delete from quotas where resource='firewall';

Additional Information

Warning: This procedure modifies the database. Ensure to take a backup of the deployment before proceeding.  See Backup and Restore