New installs of vRealize Orchestrator 8.x fail to install due to a POD STATUS of 'CrashLoopBackOff'
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New installs of vRealize Orchestrator 8.x fail to install due to a POD STATUS of 'CrashLoopBackOff'


Article ID: 317118


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite



When deploying a new installation of vRealize Orchestrator 8.x, or vRealize Automation 8.x with embedded vRealize Orchestrator 8.x, you may experience the following:

  • vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager displays a failure to initialize the VRA cluster with the error LCMVRAVACONFIG590003.

  • The Kubernetes pod for vco-app-<ID> fails to start with a STATUS of 'CrashLoopBackOff'.  To confirm this, run the following command on the appliance:

kubectl -n prelude get pods

  • The status of the vco-app pod is CrashLoopBackOff

  • Confirm the error by running the following command on the appliance:

kubectl -n prelude logs vco-app-<ID from previous command> -c install-rpms

  • The vco-app-<ID> container log contains the following error:

You are required to change your password immediately (password expired)
groupadd: PAM: Authentication token is no longer valid; new one required
useradd: group 'vco' does not exist
error: %prein(vco-server- scriptlet failed, exit status 6
error: vco-server- install failed


VMware vRealize Automation 8.x
VMware vRealize Orchestrator 8.x


The deployed vRealize Orchestrator container may be created with an expired password causing packages to fail and the container to crash.


See Builtin containers root password expires preventing installations for vRealize Automation 8.0 and 8.0.1 or cumulative update patches on existing deployments

To work around this issue, use the following steps:
  1. Log into the Appliance with SSH.
  2. Navigate to /opt/charts/vco/templates/
  3. Copy/Backup the deployment.yaml file using the command:
cp deployment.yaml /tmp/
NOTE:  Do not copy any backup.yaml files into /opt/charts/vco/ or /opt/charts/vco/templates/.  Doing so will result in 404 errors after successful service restart.
  1. Edit the deployment.yaml file using your preferred editor (vi deployment.yaml).
  2. Locate the string:
  3. Replace the text as follows.
Search for row that contains this text:
- "/bin/bash"
- "-c"
- "/"

Edit this row by just adding these two "sed" commands before / script. The row after editing should looks similar to this::

- "/bin/bash"
- "-c"
- "sed -i 's/root:.*/root:x:18135:0:99999:7:::/g' /etc/shadow && sed -i 's/vco:.*/vco:x:18135:0:99999:7:::/g' /etc/shadow && /"
  1. Save the file
If you are deploying outside of vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager, follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to /opt/scripts/
  2. Execute the script: ./
If you are deploying through vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager, follow these steps:
  1. Log back into Lifecycle Manager and 'Retry' the deployment that failed.  Installation should now progress as expected.