Additional steps may be required to configure MSCA in SDDC Manager 3.x with Basic Auth
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Additional steps may be required to configure MSCA in SDDC Manager 3.x with Basic Auth


Article ID: 305966


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VMware Cloud Foundation


Additional steps may be required in a VMware Cloud Foundation 3.x environment for "Basic Auth" to be enabled in a setup where the Certificate Authority Web Server service is located on a different machine to the CA server.


VMware Cloud Foundation 3.x


  1.  When preparing the certificate service template, follow the steps outlined in the following document to prepare the Certificate Service Template:
  1. In addition to the above, there are additional steps required in the following Microsoft document which may be required in a VCF 3.x environment if the MSCA is a 'CAWE' setup, i.e. the Certificate Authority Web Server service is located on a different machine to the CA server. See the following: