Manual Synchronization of the Embedded vRO Cluster
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Manual Synchronization of the Embedded vRO Cluster


Article ID: 319601


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


In vRealize Orchestrator 7.2, it was possible to synchronize the vRealize Orchestrator nodes manually via a hidden option following "A configuration synchronization is required" error in clustered vRO nodes.
This procedure provides the same functionality for vRealize Orchestrator 7.3 where this hidden option has been removed and acts as an alternative to rejoining the node to the cluster.

One of the embedded vRealize Orchestrator nodes is showing out of sync within a vRealize Orchestrator cluster.

Please note that this procedure is an alternative to the preferred vRealize Automation join node mechanism, where the out of sync node is rejoined to the primary vRealize Automation node which can be completed through the VAMI interface.


VMware vRealize Orchestrator 7.x


Please ensure that a backup is taken prior to completing this procedure. 
  1. Stop the vRealize Orchestrator Server and Control Center on each node with the following command:
service vco-server stop; service vco-configurator stop
  1. On the primary execute the following commands to clear the database tables:
su postgres
\c vcac
delete from vmo_vroconfiguration;
delete from vmo_vroconfigurationhistory;
  1. Export the configuration from the primary node:
/usr/lib/vco/tools/configuration-cli/bin/ export --skipPluginConfigurations --skipLicense --skipTrustStore --path path-to-archive

Note: Replace path-to-archive with the desired path to save the exported configuration.
  1. Copy the exported archive on each of the other nodes using an SCP utility.
  2. Import the exported archive on each of the other nodes
  • chown 777 /tmp/
  • chmod vco:vco /tmp/
  • /usr/lib/vco/tools/configuration-cli/bin/ import --type sync --path /tmp/

Note: Replace path-to-archive with the location on the copied configuration from step 3.
  1. Start vRealize Orchestrator Server and Control Center on each node:
service vco-server start; service vco-configurator start