vSAN Health Service - Host physical memory compliance check
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vSAN Health Service - Host physical memory compliance check


Article ID: 317838


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VMware vSAN


This article explains the Host physical memory compliance check in the vSAN Health Service and provides details on why it might report an error.

testID: com.vmware.vsan.health.test.hostmemcheck


VMware vSAN 6.7.x


Q: What does the Host physical memory compliance check do?

This check queries the ESXi hosts in the cluster to confirm that the minimum required memory is available for ESXi and vSAN. This check is to ensure HCI hosts meet the minimum requirements.

Q: What does it mean when it is in an error state?

If this check fails, it indicates that one or more of the hosts have less than the minimum required memory (6GB) for nested vSAN environments.

For production environments, please see https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2113954 for minimum memory requirements.

Q: How to troubleshoot and fix the error state?

Check which hosts are reported to have less than the required minimum memory and increase the amount of memory available to them.