VMware ESXi 6.7, Patch Release ESXi670-201810401-BG - Updates esx-base, vsan and vsanhealth VIBs
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VMware ESXi 6.7, Patch Release ESXi670-201810401-BG - Updates esx-base, vsan and vsanhealth VIBs


Article ID: 328497


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


Release date: October 2, 2018

Patch CategoryBugfix
Patch SeverityCritical
Host Reboot RequiredYes
Virtual Machine Migration or Shutdown RequiredYes
Affected HardwareN/A
Affected SoftwareN/A
VIBs Included
  • VMware_bootbank_esx-base_6.7.0-0.23.10176752
  • VMware_bootbank_vsanhealth_6.7.0-0.23.10176752
  • VMware_bootbank_vsan_6.7.0-0.23.10176752
PRs Fixed 2199958
Related CVE numbersN/A


Summaries and Symptoms

This patch updates the esx-base, vsan and vsanhealth VIBs to resolve the following issue:

Specific conditions in VMware vSAN 6.6 and later might lead to data inconsistencies in applications such as databases. The sequence of the following operations might cause the issue:

  1. vSAN initiates resynchronization to maintain data availability.
  2. You expand a virtual machine disk (VMDK).
  3. vSAN initiates another resync after the VMDK expansion.

The fix in this release prevents further data inconsistencies but does not recover data.

IMPORTANT: Before you upgrade to ESXi670-201810001, if an expansion of a VMDK is likely, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the ESXi host through SSH as root.
  2. Set the VSAN.ClomEnableInplaceExpansion advanced configuration option to 0 on all hosts.

No reboot is required. The VSAN.ClomEnableInplaceExpansion setting does not affect host reboots or running workloads.

After you upgrade all hosts to ESXi670-201810001, you can set VSAN.ClomEnableInplaceExpansion back to 1 and enable it.

Patch Download and Installation

The typical way to apply patches to ESXi hosts is through the VMware vSphere Update Manager. For details, see the Installing and Administering VMware vSphere Update Manager.

ESXi hosts can be updated by manually downloading the patch ZIP file from the VMware download page and installing the VIB by using the esxcli software vib command. Additionally, the system can be updated using the image profile and the esxcli software profile command. For details, see the vSphere Command-Line Interface Concepts and Examples and the VMware ESXi Upgrade Guide.