Upgraded version of Azure plugin from vRA/vRO 7.2/7.3/7.3.1 to 7.4 throws exception errors
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Upgraded version of Azure plugin from vRA/vRO 7.2/7.3/7.3.1 to 7.4 throws exception errors


Article ID: 328866


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • Upgraded version of Azure plugin from vRA/vRO 7.2/7.3/7.3.1 to 7.4 throws exception similar to:
Error in (Workflow:Add an Azure connection / Create connection (item1)#58067) Value for 'storageUri' is required.
item: 'Add an Azure connection/item1', state: 'failed', business state: 'null', exception: 'Value for 'storageUri' is required. (Workflow:Add an Azure connection / Create connection (item1)#58067)'
  • ​​In the /var/lib/vco/app-server/logs/server.log file, you see entries similar to:
tem: 'Add an Azure connection/item1', state: 'failed', business state: 'null', exception: 'Value for 'storageUri' is required. (Workflow:Add an Azure connection / Create connection (item1)#58067)'
workflow: 'Add an Azure connection' (XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXX)
| 'input': name=name type=string value=Azure_Sandbox
| 'input': name=subscriptionId type=string value=XXXX-YYYY-ZZZZZ
| 'input': name=serviceUri type=string value=https://management.azure.com/
| 'input': name=ignoreWarnings type=boolean value=true
| 'input': name=tenantId type=string value=XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX
| 'input': name=clientId type=string value=YYYY-YYYYY-YYYYYY-YYYYY
| 'input': name=clientSecret type=SecureString value=__NULL__
| 'input': name=loginUrl type=string value=https://login.windows.net/
| 'input': name=proxyHost type=string value=
| 'input': name=proxyPort type=number value=null
| 'input': name=proxyUsername type=string value=
| 'input': name=proxyPassword type=SecureString value=null
| 'input': name=storageUri type=string value=https://devrastorageacctv2-secondary.blob.core.windows.net/
| 'input': name=customProperties type=Array/CompositeType(Name:string,Value:string):endpointcustomproperties value=null
| 'output': name=connection type=Azure:Connection value=null
| 'no attributes'
--workflow: 'Add an Azure connection' (8132d2ea-5926-487b-8f6c-b52c5d404d2f)
  | 'input': name=name type=string value=Azure_Sandbox
  | 'input': name=subscriptionId type=string value=XXXX-YYYY-ZZZZZ
  | 'input': name=serviceUri type=string value=https://management.azure.com/
  | 'input': name=ignoreWarnings type=boolean value=true
  | 'input': name=tenantId type=string value=XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX
  | 'input': name=clientId type=string value=YYYY-YYYYY-YYYYYY-YYYYY
  | 'input': name=clientSecret type=SecureString value=44BI50U6CM43V74K59V45S30M54S48T55K6CH30Z46Y50I6AV47J4DM37Z4CP38G67T52V79Y6AG63Z73J47O55W38M4DS6DN5AT74Y55W42R49X33P31O58X4CH48Q77M41R3DG
  | 'input': name=loginUrl type=string value=https://login.windows.net/
  | 'input': name=proxyHost type=string value=
  | 'input': name=proxyPort type=number value=null
  | 'input': name=proxyUsername type=string value=
  | 'input': name=proxyPassword type=SecureString value=null
  | 'output': name=connection type=Azure:Connection value=null
  | 'no attributes'
*** End of execution stack.
  • Fresh/upgrade environment addition of azure endpoint fails when using proxy environment.
  • In the vRO server.log file, you see exception similar to:

    2018-09-19 11:11:08.456+0000 ERROR {[email protected]:840d4d50-10e5-4a5c-82ab-ef21dcda1a6e:context=0B6yOEPT} [SCRIPTING_LOG] Workflow execution stack:
    item: 'Import a certificate from URL using authenticated proxy server/item3', state: 'failed', business state: 'Error', exception: 'InternalError: com.vmware.o11n.plugins.configurator.util.CertificateException: Proxy Authorization Required (Workflow:Import a certificate from URL using authenticated proxy server / Validate (item1)#12)'
    workflow: 'Add an Azure connection' (0a51e9f1-6f59-444a-b3aa-c231b2ef113b)
    |  'input': name=name type=string value=Azure
    |  'input': name=subscriptionId type=string value=fea74a83-8457-4848-bb12-d189a93a9f12
    |  'input': name=serviceUri type=string value=https://management.azure.com/
    |  'input': name=ignoreWarnings type=boolean value=true
    |  'input': name=tenantId type=string value=02dbf22a-371e-4cac-bdbc-60197ffafbe8
    |  'input': name=clientId type=string value=7ac8f839-914e-4658-a4ab-350f87f83be4
    |  'input': name=clientSecret type=SecureString value=__NULL__
    |  'input': name=loginUrl type=string value=https://login.windows.net/
    |  'input': name=proxyHost type=string value=
    |  'input': name=proxyPort type=number value=8080.0
    |  'input': name=proxyUsername type=string value=vcadmin
    |  'input': name=proxyPassword type=SecureString value=__NULL__
    |  'input': name=storageUri type=string value=https://vraedelweiss.blob.core.windows.net/
    |  'input': name=customProperties type=Array/CompositeType(Name:string,Value:string):endpointcustomproperties value=null
    |  'output': name=connection type=Azure:Connection value=null
    |  'no attributes'


VMware vRealize Automation 7.2.x
VMware vRealize Orchestrator 7.3.x
VMware vRealize Automation 7.3.x
VMware vRealize Orchestrator 7.2.x
VMware vRealize Automation 7.1.x
VMware vRealize Orchestrator 7.1.x


To resolve the issue :
  1. Take the snapshot of the machine where you need to apply this plugin.
  2. After taking snapshot - Login to the vRA/vRO control center console - https://vra_host:8283/vco-controlcenter
  3. Click on the Manage Plug-Ins icon.
  4. Click on the browse button. Select the vmoapp/dar file ( Download the attached file: 55826_o11nplugin-azure.zip and unzip to find the vmoapp file).
  5. Wait for 2 mins to trigger the vRO service restart or start the service manually through SSH to the vRO appliance:
service vco-server restart
  1. After restarting the vRO service, login to the vRA portal > Navigate to Administration > vRO Configuration > Endpoints.
  2. Click on New button to add an Azure endpoint.
  3. Provide necessary inputs to add Azure connection.
  4. After applying all the necessary inputs, click on the finish. It will successfully add Azure connection.


55826_o11nplugin-azure get_app