Exporting Skyline Collector Appliance configuration
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Exporting Skyline Collector Appliance configuration


Article ID: 318537


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In the event a new collector appliance needs to be deployed, you can extract and import the current UUID, endpoint registrations, and UI password for your Skyline Collector appliance. The instructions below ensure minimal manual effort needed to restore your configuration on a new Skyline Collector appliance.


NOTE: This is only intended to go between Collector Appliances of the same version! Copying configuration between different versions is NOT SUPPORTED.

The following instructions detail exporting existing Collector Appliance configuration and importing to a new instance. This is in the event you need to rebuild an appliance and wish to keep the registration, UI password, etc. 

  • Root password will not be copied over. The password specified during creation of the new appliance will persist

This is currently for Collector appliance versions 1.0.0.x
Note: Use WinSCP to export/import the directory in question - https://winscp.net/eng/download.php
To obtain access, SSH will need to be enabled. For more information see Exporting Skyline Collector Appliance configuration.


VMware Skyline Collector Appliance 1.x


1) On the old Collector Appliance, collect the following folder: 

  • /usr/local/skyline/ccf/config/

2) Note the network information, and then suspend/power off the old collector appliance. 

3) Upon deploying the new collector, ensure that you keep the network information the same.

4) Using WinSCP, copy the /config/ directory to /usr/local/skyline/ccf/.

5) Run the following command(s) to update the ownership and permission structure:

  • chmod -R ug+rw /usr/local/skyline/ccf/config/
  • chown skyline:users /usr/local/skyline/ccf/config/*.xml
  • chown skyline:users /usr/local/skyline/ccf/config/collector.properties
  • chown -R skyline:skyline /usr/local/skyline/ccf/config/generated/

6) Restart the collector service:

  • systemctl restart ccf-collector

7) Confirm you can login with your admin account to the collector appliance UI (https://<ip_address_of_appliance).

8) Remove/cleanup the old collector appliance.