Migration failures in the presence of vMotion VMkernel NICs with different latencies
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Migration failures in the presence of vMotion VMkernel NICs with different latencies


Article ID: 343505


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VMware vCenter Server VMware vSphere ESXi


When you set up multiple VMkernel NICs configured for vMotion, if latency between these two streams (the traffic flowing between the paired off source host and destination host vMotion VMkernel NICs) varies, you might experience a migration failure across cross vCenter Server instances with the following error:
Failed waiting for data. Error 195887167. Connection closed by remote host, possibly due to timeout.
Such failures might occur if your network infrastructure is configured so that some vMotion VMkernel NIC connection pair paths traverse dramatically different infrastructure, such that the difference in RTT (round trip time or the measure of time needed to send a network packet down one path, then have a reply come back over the same path) between two paths is more than a few milliseconds. Dramatically different infrastructure means that there are more than a few milliseconds apart in RTT from one stream to the next.


VMware vCenter Server 5.0.x
VMware vSphere ESXi 6.0
VMware vCenter Server 5.5.x
VMware vCenter Server 6.0.x
VMware vCenter Server 5.1.x


To avoid this issue, either do not use multiple VMkernel NICs. Alternatively, verify that the NIC connection pair paths in your network infrastructure do not traverse dramatically different infrastructure.

For translated versions of this article, see:
日本語: 待ち時間の異なる vMotion 用 VMkernel NIC が複数存在すると移行に失敗する (2111307)