Upgrading to VMware vCenter Server 5.1 or 5.5 fails with error: Datastore '' conflicts with an existing datastore in the datacenter that has the same URL () but is backed by different physical storage
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Upgrading to VMware vCenter Server 5.1 or 5.5 fails with error: Datastore '' conflicts with an existing datastore in the datacenter that has the same URL () but is backed by different physical storage


Article ID: 313018


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  • After upgrading to VMware vCenter Server 5.1.x or vCenter Server 5.5.x, you see the error:

    Error:Datastore 'StorageX' conflicts with an existing datastore in the datacenter that has the same URL (ds:///vmfs/volumes/xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/) but is backed by different physical storage.
  • The ESXi/ESX hosts that are affected show as disconnected in vCenter Server
  • There is no mismatch on the ESXi/ESX hosts at the storage level (all naa.xxxxxxxxxx and vml.xxxxxxxxxx numbers match)
  • There is no datastore label mismatch

    Note: To verify, run the command esxcfg-scsidevs -m on each affected host.


This issue occurs if there is a mismatch in the database.


This issue is resolved in VMware vCenter Server 6.0. For more information, see VMware vSphere 6.0 Release Notes.

To resolve this issue:

  • If you are using vCloud Director or View within your environment, contact VMware Technical Support before proceeding with this article.
  • When you remove and re-add the hosts, you lose all previous vCenter Server data that is associated with the removed hosts. Ensure to take a backup of the data before proceeding.
  1. Get the naa ID for the datastore to verify the cause of the issue:

    esxcfg-scsidevs -m
  2. Run this command to identify the vml ID from the naa ID from Step 1 that has been issued to the LUN:

    ls -lrth /vmfs/devices/disks | grep -i naa

  3. Compare the vml output from a good host and a host that fails to connect. If you see a different vml number, it indicates a problem with the storage. In that case, please open a support request with VMware to resolve the issue. If not, continue to the next step.

  4. Remove all the disconnected ESXi hosts from vCenter Server.

    Note: Confirm Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC) is not enabled on the cluster as this prevents the host from being re-added. After the hosts are re-added, EVC is re-enabled for the cluster. For more information, see Cannot add an ESX/ESXi host with running virtual machines to an EVC enabled Cluster (1009571).

  5. Add the ESXi hosts back to vCenter Server, one at a time.
  6. Reconfigure the Virtual Distributed Switch (vDS) for each host or import each host in vDS, as required, with appropriate uplink(s) and other configuration.
To work around this issue, if you have not disabled EVC on the cluster, see Cannot add an ESX/ESXi host with running virtual machines to an EVC enabled Cluster (1009571).

Additional Information

If your problem still exists after trying the steps in this article, file a support request with VMware Support and note this Knowledge Base article ID (2036481) in the problem description. For more information, see Filing a Support Request in Customer Connect (2006985).

Cannot add an ESX/ESXi host with running virtual machines to an EVC enabled Cluster
How to file a Support Request in Customer Connect
VMware vCenter Server 5.1 または 5.5 にアップグレードすると次のエラーで失敗する: データストア「」が、URL () は同じであるが異なる物理ストレージによって戻されるデータセンター内の既存データストアと競合します。
升级到 VMware vCenter Server 5.1 或 5.5 失败并出现错误: Datastore '' conflicts with an existing datastore in the datacenter that has the same URL () but is backed by different physical storage

When you remove and re-add the hosts, you lose all previous vCenter Server data that is associated with the removed hosts. Ensure to back up the data if you want to save this information.