OVF Tool Command Syntax to Export and Deploy OVA/OVF Packages
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OVF Tool Command Syntax to Export and Deploy OVA/OVF Packages


Article ID: 340425


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server VMware vSphere ESXi


This article provides the sample syntax to export, deploy, 1-step export and, deploy packages in vCenter Server using the OVF Tool


VMware vSphere 7.0.x
VMware vSphere 6.x


Install the OVF Tool

  1. Download the ovftool
  2. Open a Windows command prompt with administrator privileges (cmd.exe) 
  3. Navigate to the directory where you installed ovftool (default location: cd “<C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware> OVF Tool”)  

Using the OVF Tool to export

Use the following command to export to OVF:
ovftool.exe –noSSLVerify vi://ip_of_esxi_host where the machine resides/name of source_machine “D:\ovf_export_name.ovf

Using the OVF Tool deploy

Use the following command to deploy a OVF:
ovftool -ds=DestinationDatastore -n=DestinationVMName OVF.ovf vi://username:password@vCenter2/Datacenter2/host/Cluster2

Using OVF Tool 1-step to export and deploy

Use the following command to export and deploy a OVF:
ovftool.exe --X:logLevel=trivia --X:logToConsole --datastore=datastorename "<path file of ovf>" "vi://administrator:Password@<vc fqdn ip or vc>Datacenter/host/Cluster/<Host IP or FQDN>"

  • --X:logLevel=trivia --X:logToConsole: These flags enable trivia logging and output to command prompt which assists with troubleshooting.
  • Some additional flags may be required in order to successfully export or deploy:

For more information:

Additional Information

For more information, see the OVF Tool Documentation.
Note: OVF export and deploy are integrated into the vSphere Client.

vCenter Server でパッケージをエクスポート、デプロイ、ワンステップ エクスポートおよびデプロイするためのサンプルの ovftool コマンド構文
用于在 vCenter Server 中导出、部署以及一步导出和部署软件包的 ovftool 示例命令语法