Upgrading VMware Client Integration Plug-in to the latest version
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Upgrading VMware Client Integration Plug-in to the latest version


Article ID: 340939


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server


This article provides steps to upgrade the VMware Client Integration Plug-in to the latest version. It is essential to upgrade the Client Integration Plug-in to the latest version.

This article is also applicable to vRealize Automation (vRA) Identity Appliance.

To check the installed version of your Client Integration Plug-in, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a browser, and enter the following URL:
    https://<fqdn ip of or server vcenter>:9443/
  2. Log into vSphere Web Client.
  3. Click Help > About VMware vSphere.
  4. Search for the Client Integration Plug-in build in the pop-up window.


VMware vCenter Server 6.5.x
VMware vCenter Server 6.0.x
VMware vCenter Server 5.5.x


Steps to upgrade Client Integration Plug-In

For vCenter Server 5.5:

Download the Client Integration Plug-in by using one of the following methods:

  • Uninstall the existing Client Integration Plug-in.
  • Open vSphere Web Client, and click Download the Client Integration Plug-in. The link provides the build details of the latest Client Integration Plug-in.


Download the Client Integration Plug-in from the following location:
PlatformDownload URL
Windows (Google Chrome)http://vsphereclient.vmware.com/vsphereclient/VMware-ClientIntegrationPlugin-5.6.0.exe
Macintosh (Google Chrome)http://vsphereclient.vmware.com/vsphereclient/VMware-ClientIntegrationPlugin-5.6.0.mac64.dmg

For vCenter Server 6.0:

Download the Client Integration Plug-in by using one of the following methods:

  • Uninstall the existing Client Integration Plug-in.
  • Open vSphere Web Client, and click Download the Client Integration Plug-in. The link provides the build details of the latest Client Integration Plug-in.


Download the Client Integration Plug-in from the following location:

PlatformDownload URL
Windows (Google Chrome)http://vsphereclient.vmware.com/vsphereclient/1/2/3/0/3/8/6/9/VMware-ClientIntegrationPlugin-6.0.0-12303869.exe
Windows (other browsers)http://vsphereclient.vmware.com/vsphereclient/1/2/3/0/3/8/6/6/VMware-ClientIntegrationPlugin-6.2.0.exe
Macintosh (Google Chrome)http://vsphereclient.vmware.com/vsphereclient/1/2/3/0/3/8/6/9/VMware-ClientIntegrationPlugin-6.0.0-12303869.mac64.dmg
Macintosh (other browsers)http://vsphereclient.vmware.com/vsphereclient/1/2/3/0/3/8/6/6/VMware-ClientIntegrationPlugin-6.2.0.mac64.dmg
  1. When the download is complete, install the plug-in.
  2. Re-start your browser to complete the installation.

For vCenter Server 6.5:

With vSphere 6.5 release, the VMware Enhanced Authentication Plug-in replaces the Client Integration Plug-in from vSphere 6.0 releases and earlier. For more information see, Install the VMware Enhanced Authentication Plug-in.

Additional Information

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