An ESX host is unavailable after its password is changed
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An ESX host is unavailable after its password is changed


Article ID: 340079


Updated On:




  • An ESX host is displayed as Unavailable
  • Cannot change the password of an ESX host from Lab Manager


VMware vCenter Lab Manager 4.0.x
VMware vCenter Lab Manager 3.0.x


This can occur when the password of an ESX host username that Lab Manager uses has been changed and Lab Manager was not used to change it.
To change the Host password in Lab Manager:
  1. Click Resources.
  2. Click the Hosts tab.
  3. Mouse-over a host and choose Properties.
  4. Enter the new password in the Host Password field.
  5. Click OK.

If the Host is displayed as unavailable or the above steps fail, you will need change the password back to the original password, and restart the vpxa, hostd, and vsla-agent agents on the ESX host. Then perform the above steps once again.

Warning: If you have virtual machines that are set to automatically start or stop that are hosted on the ESX host, and it is running ESX 3.x, the virtual machines may be powered off. For more information, see Restarting hostd (mgmt-vmware) on ESX Server hosts restarts hosted virtual machines where virtual machine Startup/Shutdown is enabled (1003312).
To restart the agents:
  1. Open a console prompt on the ESX host or establish an SSH session to it. For more information, see Opening a command or shell prompt (1003892).
  2. Type the following commands and press Enter after each:

service mgmt-vmware restart
service vmware-vpxa restart
service vslad restart (Lab Manager 4.x)
service vsla-agent restart (Lab Manager 3.x)
service lm-agent restart (Lab Manager 2.x)